pygmy ribbontail catshark câu
Early illustration of a coral catshark from llustrations of Indian Zoology (1832).Một hành minh họa trong llustrations of Indian Zoolog...

Well, you could get that Pygmy warrior over there.À, thế thì anh có thể lấy chiến binh Pygmy ở đằng kia. Well, you could get that Pygmy...

coral catshark
Early illustration of a coral catshark from llustrations of Indian Zoology (1832).Một hành minh họa trong llustrations of Indian Zoolog...

false catshark
This false catshark, another deep sea dweller, passes by, but chooses not to attempt any biting of the bait.Catshark này sai, một người...

american pygmy
American Pygmy Kingfisher (Chloroceryle aenea)Chim bói cá Mỹ (Chloroceryle aenea) the American Pygmy Kingfisher (Chloroceryle aenea)Ch...

pygmy chimpanzee
The chimpanzee and bonobo, formerly called the "pygmy chimpanzee," are the two species most closely related to humans in the evolutiona...

pygmy corydoras
Pygmy corydoras are of commercial importance in the aquarium trade industry.Pygmy Corydoras có tầm quan trọng thương mại trong ngành cô...

pygmy hippopotamus
The pygmy hippopotamus is a smaller version of the more well-known common hippopotamus, both belonging to the Family Hippopotamidae.Mô ...

pygmy hog
You can see some endangered animals including Assam roofed turtle, golden langur and pygmy hog in this park.Bạn có thể thấy một số động...

pygmy mammoth
The comet's effects could also be responsible for the extinction of the pygmy mammoth from the Northern Channel Islands, the researcher...

pygmy marmoset
Adults of the pygmy marmoset weigh a mere 100 grams!Trung bình một con Pygmy Marmoset nặng chỉ 100 grams mà thôi. Adults of the pygmy m...

pygmy owl
The next day we tried for Pygmy owl.Những ngày sau đó tôi sống cùng tộc người Pygmy. Northern Pygmy Owls are small owls native to weste...

pygmy parrot
Our smallest mammal is the pygmy shrew.Con nhỏ nhất là con Pygmy Parrot In addition, 600 species that were assessed previously as being...

pygmy peoples
However, there are several Nilotic groups in East Africa, and a few remaining indigenous Khoisan ("San" or "Bushmen") and Pygmy peoples...

pygmy possum
The mountain pygmy possum is endemic to the alpine regions of southern Australia.Mountain Pygmy Possum thường được tìm thấy ở các vùng ...

pygmy rabbit
The Pygmy Rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) is the smallest rabbit in the world.Thỏ Pygmy ( Brachylagus idahoensis ) là con thỏ nhỏ nhất ...

pygmy sculpin
Pygmy sculpin - The pygmy sculpin, Cottus paulus, is a species of fish in the Cottidae family.The pygmy sculpin, Cottus paulus, là một ...

american pygmy kingfisher
American Pygmy Kingfisher (Chloroceryle aenea)Chim bói cá Mỹ (Chloroceryle aenea) the American Pygmy Kingfisher (Chloroceryle aenea)Ch...

baluchistan pygmy jerboa
They are a very diverse group in both size and habitat, ranging from the South American capybara weighing up to 66kg, to the Baluchista...

classification of pygmy languages
Further information: Classification of Pygmy languagesBài chi tiết: Phân loại ngôn ngữ của người Pygmy Classification of Pygmy languag...

eastern pygmy possum
Sleeping in grass nests and hollow trees you may spot some of our nocturnal wildlife including the long-nosed bandicoot or the rarely s...

mountain pygmy possum
The mountain pygmy possum is endemic to the alpine regions of southern Australia.Mountain Pygmy Possum thường được tìm thấy ở các vùng ...

người pygmy
Những cư dân đầu tiên tại Cameroon là người Pygmy Baka. Nửa thế kỷ trước, người Pygmy có hàng triệu người. Những người Pygmy châu Phi và...

pygmy mouse lemur
2: Love isn’t a steadfast dog at all; love is more like a pygmy mouse lemur.Tình yêu không giống một con chó trung thành chút nào; tình...

pygmy right whale
The main threat to the Pygmy Right Whale is entanglement in fishing nets.Mối đe dọa chính tới cá blobfish là mắc vào lưới kéo của các t...